Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cracking Horosoft 4.0

HOROSOFT Astrology Software is a most comprehensive astrology software designed and developed by a team of professionals possessing specialized knowledge of computers and astrology. This Astrology software is based on Hindu Astrology called Vedic astrology or Indian astrology, believed to be the most accurate science in the world that tells future. With its installation in almost all the major cities, the acceptability and reliability of its outputs is proved beyond any doubts.

I searched the hell out of internet and could not find any useful step by step guide to crack HOROSOFT and decided to write an article on how to run this software without the USB/Dongle.

I have the article almost ready and will be publishing it within a day or two. So keep watching the blog and i will provide a detailed guide soon.


Smartengineer said...

Hi Vishal,

Congrats for your work.Waiting for the crack to download.Keep it up.

All the Best,


Anonymous said...

search the net and enjoy now avlble

Puneet Ghai said...

Where is the POST ???

anm said...

Hi can you please send me how to crack this horosoft 4.0 and mail to

ashish said...

hi pl send the torrent link or rapidshare link of full software horosoft sandard version 3 or professional version 4. mail me

manojsut said...

Please send Hindi crack for horosoft professional 4.0

tanya arora said...

hi vishal. need the software. kindly get in touch -
Thanks in advance🙏

Unknown said...

hi vishal. need the software. kindly get in touch -
Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

hi vishal. need the software. kindly get in touch
Thanks in advance

AMOLED Wallpapers & Photography said...

please help me with this software at
thank you Vishal

Unknown said...

hi, Please help me to get this software too.
Thanks in Advance

Anonymous said...

Sir ! There's a newer version available in market & I am unable to crack that can you please help me with horosoft 5.0 pro !!
Thanks !! In Advance !!

Unknown said...

same here. It gives me an error "Security Lock not found" and I couldn't resolve it yet.

Unknown said...

Hi Vishal any update for horosoft version 5 do let me know

Unknown said...

Hi Vishal, Its being a long time I am searching for this software. Kindly get in touch with me.

Thank you...

Venkat Gorty said...

Kindly send horosoft to my email

Unknown said...

Sir horosoft software download kase kerna hi please help me

vandy said...

kindly send horosoft to my mail

Pranav said...

send me the link

Unknown said...

Vishal can you please help for Horosoft v5 .please send me at

Rose said...

Hi Vishal and all of you other enthusiasts, do any of u have any information of how to get this software to work

Vipal Sharma said...

Hi visal ji namaskar .Pl send me crack horo soft at my mail .I shall thank full to you .

Xyz said...

Pls send me horosoft 4.0 Or horosoft5. 0

Unknown said...

Hi Vishal,

Kudos for your effort to bring us cracked version of Horosoft.
I was intrested in NADI astrology worksheet of the Horosoft software.
Can you help me with it. Will be very greatful.

Many thanks

Unknown said...

pls send horosoft pro 5 or 4

Unknown said...

Send me software plz on my mail

jasmeet singh said...

Hi visal ji namaskar .Pl send me crack horosoft at my mail .I shall thank full to you . pls pls pls send me the crack.

Dimple Jain said...

Hello vishal ji,
I am wanting this software for a long time!! Will be very grateful if you help me. Pls send me the crack on Waiting!!

Unknown said...

I need horosoft 5 or 4 crack software copy please send it on

Unknown said...

is horosoft 5 with crack ia available

Unknown said...

Any link ? can you pls send it over to

chester said...

Hello send me the crack file or the link

Eranmoney said...

hello send me the crack file or the link

RP said...

Please send link

suresh said...

Kindly send horosoft to my email

Thank You

astrology said...

Unknown said...

suresh said...

hi, Please help me to get this software too.
Thanks in Advance.

Mr Mrudu said...

Any body want latest full astro soft please contact me9438847097

Unknown said...

Hi Vishal,

it would be really helpful for me in astrology research if you can share the cracked version of it with instructions (possible) to download and install it on win 10.


Unknown said...

Hi Vishal,

it would be really helpful for me in astrology research if you can share the cracked version of it with instructions (possible) to download and install it on win 10.


Edgar said...

Hi Vishal, please share the crack to horosoft 5, really need it, I would be grateful!

Sugam said...

Hi Vishal,
I hope you are doing well.
If it is not too much trouble, could you please share with crack with me as well at
Thank you in advance for your help.

Puneet said...

Hi Vishal, please share the crack for horosoft 5, really need it, I would be grateful!

kumar said...

please send crack version 4.0 on